Category Archives: Swing Trading

Options Vs. Trading Stocks What’s the Difference?

Options Vs. Trading Stocks What’s the Difference? There are so many trading types, for example, there’s forex, day trading, crypto, futures, you name it. It can get confusing at times. In this podcast, I’m gonna clearly explain what the difference is between Options trading and stock trading – let’s get into it. Enjoy! Get One … Continue reading Options Vs. Trading Stocks What’s the Difference?

When Should You Quit Your Job to Go All in on Trading?

Many people are quitting their jobs left and right to go all in on trading. It’s probably making you question yourself: when will I do the same? Is it the right time yet, or should I wait? This decision is just stressing you every day. Well, there isn’t an exact answer, because everybody’s situation is … Continue reading When Should You Quit Your Job to Go All in on Trading?

Trading for Years and Still Unprofitable? Here’s what you should do

Are you stuck in the endless loop of trading without seeing profits? You’re not alone, and the solution isn’t as complicated as you might think. In this episode, I’m gonna reveal a set of crucial steps you have to take to turn your trading around. From mindset to strategy, let’s get you on the path … Continue reading Trading for Years and Still Unprofitable? Here’s what you should do

Swing Trading vs Day Trading

In this podcast, we will discuss which one is best and more profitable for you: Swing Trading vs Day Trading? Enjoy! Get One of my Favorite Trade Strategies for Free:“The Rubber Band Trade.” Today you’re going to get 2 Freebies: #1. Get one of my favorite Top Dog Trading strategies called “The Rubber Band Trade” … Continue reading Swing Trading vs Day Trading

The Market Took All My Money!

The Market Took All My Money! Successful Trading is in Your Control – Learn How Now. “Extreme Ownership” is the opposite of entitlement. Take control. Being in control requires responsibility, so many of us prefer to say that things are outside of our control. Examples of: Scam alert websites. Ripoff report websites. No, your’e not … Continue reading The Market Took All My Money!

The Best Place to Put Your Protective Stops

Trading is a business of probability. Every trader will take losses, so we need to use protective stops. Many traders take profits quickly but hold on to losing trades – it’s human nature. We take profits because it feels good, and we try to hide from the pain of losses. 3 BAD TYPES OF PROTECTIVE … Continue reading The Best Place to Put Your Protective Stops

The Best Leading Indicator

Many say there’s no such thing as a leading indicator. They even take pride is saying they only use pure price action and volume. I’m not sure why they think that’s so impressive: They say that all indicators are lagging and that they only plot what’s already been done in the market … and that’s … Continue reading The Best Leading Indicator

17 Real-Life Tips To Becoming a Successful Trader

Improving your trading with a New Year’s Resolutions, or any other time! Marcus Lemonis, star of CNBC’s “The Profit,” doesn’t wait until the beginning of the year to make resolutions: “I don’t know that I make specifically New Year’s resolutions. I think I typically make a new resolution when something bad happens or I have … Continue reading 17 Real-Life Tips To Becoming a Successful Trader

Day Trading vs. Swing Trading: Which is Best for YOU?

Which is better? Day trading or swing trading? Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a comparison chart to help you decide which may be a better fit for you: DAY TRADING DEFINITION: In and out during open outcry hours. Use intraday charts. SWING TRADING DEFINITION Hold 2-14 days. Use daily and weekly charts. DAY TRADING … Continue reading Day Trading vs. Swing Trading: Which is Best for YOU?